So I've been searching online for what seems like forever to try and locate a way to achieve this in Google Sheets. The aim here is to choose a currency and sale type using data validation in two cells and run a function depending on the values of both those cells in a third cell.
A1 is data validation to select a currency (GBP, USD, EUR, etc.). B1 is data validation to select a transaction (Sale, Refund). C1 outputs the transacted value.
D1 holds price. E1 holds fee cost. F1-F3 hold currency conversions.
Here's how it needs to work: If B1 is a sale, a function needs to run to calculate the total transaction, adding a fee. If B1 is a refund, the same function needs to run, but to subtract a fee. This all then takes into account the conversion rate for the currency selected. So I essentially require Sheets to check the currency, check whether it's a sale or refund, then run the function.
Toying with IF this seems to be far too complex with two functions per currency required, depending on whether it's a sale or refund. It's at a point where my brain is turning to mush and I ended up with the following, which of course doesn't work.
Praying that someone is able to slap me down for my stupidity and point me in the correct direction.