Often, when I paste a link into a document in Google Docs, a pop-up will appear to allow me to replace the text of the link with a clickable "button". The pop-up says "tab to replace with..." and shows the gray button. If I press 'tab', the link is converted to a gray clickable button. The button is oval-shaped, with a light gray background, containing the title of the page that is linked to. For instance, this often happens when pasting links to another Google Doc or to a video on Youtube. However, the behavior is not consistent, and sometimes when I paste a link, it doesn't offer this option.
How do I force Google Doc to offer/create this button? Sometimes, when I paste a link, it doesn't give me the pop-up and there is no option to create the button -- but I want the button. I find the button looks nicer in my document. How do I get the button?
(Pasting links to some Youtube pages does offer a button, and pasting links to other Youtube pages doesn't, which I find weird.)