I appreciate you making a copy of the document available since there were so many unknowns about your use case regarding both the environment and the document properties.
Although I isolated your problem I could never reproduce the issue on my end, even with your source document. I suspect the specific combination of the document and your organization's operating environment (app config/version, corporate policies, etc.) exposed the problem.
Without being able to reproduce the issue, I could only look for anomalies related to styles and the "Times New Roman" font.
I compared your document to new documents created in Word on the Web and Desktop for clues.
- I noted your document's styles.xml file has the default font specified as "Times New Roman" across multiple languages whereas new documents created online and on desktop would point to the default theme.
For example, in your document the default for US English is
w:ascii="Times New Roman"
whereas in new documents it is w:asciiTheme="minorHAnsi"
- Your theme file theme1.xml has the
specified as Calibri so I wonder if your online environment is following the directive in styles.xml whereas your desktop environment, as well as both of mine (desktop and online), ignores that style in favor of what's specified in the theme:
<a:latin typeface="Calibri" panose="020F0502020204030204"/>.
I created 3 test files for you:
- Upgraded File Format
You reported no improvement.
- Style Change
Resolved your problem.
- Upgraded File Format + Style Change
Resolved your problem.
The successful test files point to the configuration of styles.xml being the issue.
To replicate the change I made to styles.xml:
Decompress your word document (I used 7-Zip).
Edit the file .\word\styles.xml
by replacing the bolded line below
<w:rFonts w:ascii="Times New Roman" w:eastAsia="Times New Roman" w:hAnsi="Times New Roman" w:cs="Times New Roman"/>
with the following bolded line:
<w::rFonts w:asciiTheme="minorHAnsi" w:eastAsiaTheme="minorHAnsi" w:hAnsiTheme="minorHAnsi" w:cstheme="minorBidi"/>
Recompress the document.I used 7-Zip with 'normal' compression, Zip as the format, and docx as the file extension. Remember to compress the contents of the parent folder but don't include the parent folder. You can do this by performing the compression from within the parent folder.
MS DocumentFormat.OpenXml Resources
File1=Docx Template Only Upgrade Format.docx
(did not work),File2=Docx Template Minor Style Change.docx
(did work), andFile3=Docx Template Minor Style Change & Upgrade Format
(did work)**. Please post the response as an answer.