In our business, we use Google Apps for all of our email, as we do not host our own mail server. As a result, most of our employees have their GoogleApps emails forward to their regular Gmail accounts, and also interact with their GApps emails through their regular Gmail accounts ("send as", etc.) as it is easier than juggling two accounts, or two signed-in browsers, etc.
One of our company directors has an issue where some of his recipients will receive his email with the "via" included, i.e. [email protected] via [email protected]. This only applies to SOME recipients, and which recipients parse emails this way seems to be completely random -- it's only certain mail servers that dig up the via information. The rest of the servers only see the [email protected] email address, and that's the only address that shows up in the sender info.
A bit of poking around in the Google help center brought me here: This indicates that an SPF record and/or DKIM signature must be used for the receiving mail server, in order to prevent the mail server from digging up the extra "via" information.
My question, thus: How does one set up an SPF record and/or DKIM signature from within Google Apps? Is this even possible to do?
[email protected]
emails from his gmail account?