I've been fascinated by Google Alerts for a long time but it never seems to deliver alerts as expected. As a final test I created a second Google account (in case there was something wrong with my primary account) and then generated a unique term that is not indexed in Google yet. This is the search term: 123MrwNcvxALUkLV3uFPtouczLsfvYcnnr
(it's a new Bitcoin address).
I searched the term as alerts on both my existing account as well as the new one with options (all results, as it happens, all regions, etc.). I then made sure that Google indexed the search term (I just made a bitcoin payment to that address causing it to be used and displayed on various web sites and thus indexed by Google).
Sure enough a week later and I have zero alerts hits on both accounts even though there are now 18 results when doing a Google search on the term. Even if I go into Alerts web page and edit that search term it shows "There were no results for the query".
Am I misunderstanding what Alerts is supposed to deliver or why can I not get it to work?
There are many other search terms that do show up daily on Google Search but not triggered as an alert.