I've uploaded a PDF document to a Facebook Group that I am a member of. I want to upload a newer version of the file without having the old one there. Can I do it without deleting the old one and posting a new message?

1 Answer 1


This seems a little counter-intuitive, but you can add a revision to the original post.

  1. Find the post where you added the file
  2. Click the Upload Revision button
    post file menu
  3. You'll get information on the file, including all revisions. Click the "Upload New Version" button
    Upload New Version
  4. Select your file and upload

If you need to get rid of a revision, follow the advice in this answer, except choose "Delete file revision" from the post menu.

Newer versions of Facebook have moved the link. Go to the Files section of the group and click on the menu (three vertical dots) next to the file to find "upload revision".

  • 2
    THERE IS NO 'upload revision' anymore -- this is NO LONGER WORKING, and it's annoying because I want to keep all of the comments on the original post. I have to delete it in order to get a revised doc uploaded while avoiding confusion between the 2! (oct 2018)
    – john
    Commented Oct 18, 2018 at 19:05
  • I've left this here for your convenience, ale. Please flag it as no longer needed if/when you update the answer.
    – jonsca
    Commented Oct 18, 2018 at 22:07
  • @john: Following ale's advice (near the end of the answer), I was able to find the "upload revision" option. It's "hidden" in the "Files" section of Groups. Thanks, ale, it worked well! Commented Jan 27, 2020 at 18:59
  • 1
    this does not seem to be possible as of 2022.
    – thelawnet
    Commented Oct 28, 2022 at 6:04

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