Whenever I visit the homepage for Twitch.tv, the currently featured stream automatically starts playing at full volume.
Is it possible to mute featured streams on the Twitch homepage?
If not, can I prevent them from auto playing at full volume?
Whenever I visit the homepage for Twitch.tv, the currently featured stream automatically starts playing at full volume.
Is it possible to mute featured streams on the Twitch homepage?
If not, can I prevent them from auto playing at full volume?
I helped deploy an update to the FrankerFaceZ browser extension that fixes this issue. (It's also available as a userscript.)
Disable this setting: Channel > Player > Front Page > Auto-play featured broadcasters
BetterTTV is another alternate chrome extension that has a setting to disable the featured video from playing on the Twitch homepage, among other features.
I don't know of a way inside of Twitch's settings to do this, but you can have a userscript (using something like TamperMonkey) for it!
Essentially the technique is to keep looking for any new video elements being added inside of a particular iframe on the homepage of Twitch (because it's added dynamically) and pause/mute them. Here's a quick and dirty version that pauses videos on the homepage of Twitch on load (but not sub-pages):
// ==UserScript==
// @name Twitch pauser
// @namespace https://zachsaucier.com/
// @version 0.2
// @description To show how one can pause the autoplaying video on Twitch.tv
// @author Zach Saucier
// @match https://www.twitch.tv/
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var mySetInvertal = setInterval(function() {
var playerIframe = document.querySelector("#player iframe");
if(playerIframe !== null) {
var playerIframeDoc = playerIframe.contentWindow.document,
videoElem = playerIframeDoc.querySelector("video"),
playPause = playerIframeDoc.querySelector(".js-control-playpause-button");
function clickPlayButton() {
videoElem.removeEventListener("loadeddata", clickPlayButton);
videoElem.addEventListener("loadeddata", clickPlayButton);
}, 100);
also available on Greasy Fork.
or this for muting it, similarly on Greasy Fork:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Twitch muter
// @namespace https://zachsaucier.com/
// @version 0.2
// @description To show how one can mute the autoplaying video on Twitch.tv
// @author Zach Saucier
// @match https://www.twitch.tv/
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var mySetInvertal = setInterval(function() {
var playerIframe = document.querySelector("#player iframe");
if(playerIframe !== null) {
var playerIframeDoc = playerIframe.contentWindow.document,
videoElem = playerIframeDoc.querySelector("video"),
volumeElem = playerIframeDoc.querySelector(".mute-button");
function clickVolumeButton() {
videoElem.removeEventListener("loadeddata", clickVolumeButton);
videoElem.addEventListener("loadeddata", clickVolumeButton);
}, 100);