I'm trying to format a google sheet to calculate the amount of raw lumber I need to purchase for a given project.
Raw lumber is sold in quarters, so for example 4/4 is a one inch board, 5/4 is an inch and a quarter, and so on.
I've managed to format my cell to always output a number over 4, so if I input 1 1/8 final dimension it will give me 6/4 in raw lumber (final dimension + 1/4"). but the problem I run into is that there are certain sizes that lumber isn't sold in, like 7/4, 9/4 and 11/4.
Is it possible to force a cell to round up to a given list of numbers: 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4, 10/4, and 12/4
Here is my sheet:
If you set the number in cyan (thickness final dimensions) to 2, the number in yellow (thickness raw lumber) goes to 9/4, but that isn't an option I would like it to bump up to 10/4. Same goes for any instance where it would show up as 7/4 or 11/4.