You have a column of values and each value represents the name of a sheet in the active spreadsheet. You want to convert each value into a hyperlink to the respective sheet.
It is likely that there are several ways to successfully achieve your goal. Please consider this answer as one alternative.
The following script creates a HYPERLINK()
formula for each value. In this version of the script the value is replaced by the formula. Each formula is appended to a temporary array, and the spreadsheet is updated using SETFORMULAS()
(ref) so that there need only be one instance of writing to the spreadsheet, and that is after every value has been processed.
As noted by @ScottPrive in Hyperlink to a specific sheet, there is a limitation:
- the #gid trick works [... ]AS LONG AS no one deletes any worksheet tabs... very important to note that #gid is a FIXED POSITION number
A simple alternative to this script might be to write the temporary array to an adjacent column (or even a column in another sheet/tab) so that the original value can be retained, and the script re-run in the event of any issues regarding adding, renaming, or deleting sheets.
function linkcell() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sourcesheet = "Sheet1"
var source = ss.getSheetByName(sourcesheet);
// get the values in column A
// assume that data starts in row 1
var Acol = source.getRange("A1:A");
var Avals = Acol.getValues();
var Alast = Avals.filter(String).length;
//Logger.log("DEBUG: number of rows of data in Column A = "+Alast)
var range = source.getRange(1, 1, Alast)
var values = range.getValues();
//Logger.log("DEBUG: The data range in Column A is "+range.getA1Notation())
// create a temporary array to hold the formula
var formulaarray=[];
// loop through the vales and create a formula for each
for (var i=0;i<Alast;i++){
// convert number to string
var cellstring = values[i][0].toString();
// Logger.log("DEBUG: i:"+i+", value = "+cellstring)
// create a variable for the target sheet/cell value
var target = ss.getSheetByName(cellstring);
//Logger.log("DEBUG: the sheet id = "+target.getSheetId())
// create a hyperlink formula
var formula = '=HYPERLINK("#gid='+target.getSheetId()+'","'+cellstring+'")';
// Logger.log("DEBUG: formula = "+formula);
// push the formula onto the array
// Logger.log(formulaarray); / DEBUG
// update the range with hyperlinks
// removes the value and replaces with formula
// note: this could applied to any column of cells if the original values need to be retained