This site has answers to a game called Spelling Bee which is published daily. I want to use importxml to pull the answers (which is a list of words) into Google Sheets, but I am a novice on this function.

I did some reading here, which helped somewhat. Using the formula =importxml("https://nytbee.com/","//li") does pull the list of the current day's answers. However, the site with answers also has a couple other lists of words that I do not want (the common and obscure ones at the bottom of the page). Those lists are also pulled by the formula, because I don't know how to tell the formula to stop after the current day's answers.

How can I get just the current day's answers? I know close to nothing about html, xml, or using the "developer tools" or "inspect element" pane (just to point out that I'd prefer answers to be as rudimentary as possible).

1 Answer 1


Try this formula:


or, better perhaps, setup a small table like the one below.

  • Enter url into cell B1
  • Enter the xpath into cell B2
  • Enter a formula in Cell B3 - =importxml(B1,B2)


Some notes:

    • where to copy the xpath

      • This snapshot shows the place where you need to copy the xpath. It is the "div" at the top of the list.
    • double quotation marks

      • the xpath in IMPORTXML is entered between double quotes. But if the actual xpath includes double quotes (such as in this case: "//*[@id="main-answer-list"]), then you'll get an error message.
      • Option#1 - paste the xpath into a cell, and then reference that cell in IMPORTXML
      • Option#2 - change the double quotes for single quotes, then use the revised xpath in the formula.
        • original = "//*[@id="main-answer-list"]
        • revised = "//*[@id='main-answer-list']"
    • Layout Note how the answers are listed in a single cell, each value separated by a space. This isn't necessarily convenient.

      • a formula to list the answers by row in a single column
        • =transpose(split(importxml(B1,B2)," ",true))
          • split - separates the results based on the space between each word
          • transpose - takes the multi-column, single row of data, and returns it in a single column, multi-row

Sample transposed data


  • Totally perfect answer! Yes, formatting into a single column is what I needed. Commented Jan 15, 2022 at 12:55

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