I wrote in cell D1 the function "=today()", and in google apps script I'm trying to print it in this way:

function myFunction() {
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  const ws = ss.getSheetByName("date");
  const valoreCella = ws.getRange("D1").getValue();

The result is:

enter image description here

How can I get this format?

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


To get the date in cell date!D1 as a text string in the format it shows in the spreadsheet, use Range.getDisplayValue(), like this:

function getDateAsShown() {
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  const dateString = ss.getRange('date!D1').getDisplayValue();

To get the date as a text string in another format, use Utilities.formatDate(), like this:

function getDateInFormat() {
  const dateFormat = 'dd/MM/yyyy';
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  const timezone = ss.getSpreadsheetTimeZone();
  const range = ss.getRange('date!D1');
  const date = range.getValue();
  if (Object.prototype.toString.call(date) !== '[object Date]') {
    console.log(`The value "${range.getDisplayValue()}" is not a date but a ${typeof date}.`);
  const dateString = Utilities.formatDate(date, timezone, dateFormat);

To make sure that the date string you get matches what is shown in the spreadsheet, use Spreadsheet.getSpreadsheetTimeZone() instead of hard-coding the timezone or using the script project's timezone. Otherwise, date values that have no time component and date times that are near midnight may end up showing as a different date.

To put a date in a spreadsheet cell as a proper numeric date in a particular format, use Range.setNumberFormat(), like this:

function test() {
  putTimestampInFormat_('date!D1', 'dd/MM/yyyy');

function putTimestampInFormat_(rangeA1, format) {
  const range = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(rangeA1);
  const timestamp = new Date();

I get the desired result with this:

function myFunction() {
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  const ws = ss.getSheetByName("date");
  const valoreCella = ws.getRange("D1").getValue();
  var valoreCella2 = Utilities.formatDate(valoreCella, "GMT+1", "dd/MM/yyyy");
  • This will work "100% of the time" while the second parameter of Utilities.formatDate matches the spreadsheet's timezone; it might get broken "sometimes" if the spreadsheet timezone is changed or if this code is copied to a spreadsheet with a different timezone and depending on the time of the day when this is run. Commented Apr 24 at 17:44
  • @Rubén-VolunteerModerator- thank you Commented Apr 25 at 8:45

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