In the new Yahoo! mail I can select multiple checkboxes against my email subjects and press k to perform the action Mark as read.

Is there a similar alternative in Gmail?

  • And don't forget to enable keyboard shortcuts in settings in the first place. Commented Mar 30, 2016 at 17:33

5 Answers 5


Gmail "Mark as Read": Shift + i

Other useful keyboard shortcuts:

  • Display a list of Gmail keyboard shortcuts: Shift + / or (?)

  • Select all unread conversations: *, then u

Also, you could map K to "Mark as read," just like in Yahoo mail. The "Custom keyboard shortcuts" Gmail labs feature lets you customize your keyboard shortcut mappings. It adds a new Settings tab from which you can remap keys to various actions.

...or you can add a "Mark as Read" button via another Gmail labs feature.

  • 1
    thnx. I would also like to add one more thing to this answer: If this doesn't work, go to the Settings page and select 'Keyboard shortcuts on'. Commented Jul 9, 2010 at 9:45

Shift + I Mark as read - Marks your message as 'read' and skip to the next message.

Shift + U Mark as unread - Marks your message as 'unread' so you can go back to it later.

Full list of Keyboard shortcuts

  • 2
    thnx. I would also like to add one more thing to this answer: If this doesn't work, go to the Settings page and select 'Keyboard shortcuts on'. Commented Jul 9, 2010 at 9:45

In Gmail you can use ?, that is Shift + / for the ?, you can see the keyboard shortcuts.

  • And don't forget to enable keyboard shortcuts in settings in the first place. Commented Mar 30, 2016 at 17:33
  • Wow. That's very useful. To think I've been using gmail for years... Commented May 29, 2020 at 11:40

Shift+I - Mark as Read and move on to the next message.



FYI - you may have to activate Keyboard Shortcuts before they work. They seem to be inactive by default. You can find this option at the bottom of the [?] screen.

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