I have to change my user agent to "iPhone" so that I can get connected to the internet through my smartphone.

The problem is that I can get the desktop versions of many sites even the Google Docs start page. But, when I choose a document to view/edit, It opens the mobile mobile. I tried to put some arguments to force the desktop version (ex : ...&nomobile=1) but it is not working.

How can I force the desktop version to be shown in Google Docs on my phone?

  • If the page uses CSS @media types, then changing the useragent or URL queries will do little, since the CSS can be strictly defined by display dimensions.
    – iglvzx
    Commented Feb 14, 2012 at 21:36

2 Answers 2


To force the desktop version add overridemobile=true to the URL:


  • This does not work (anymore).
    – Nova
    Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 15:32
  • 3
    It's ?fd=true now.
    – Tesseract
    Commented Jan 16, 2016 at 17:36
  • even fd is not working now. Commented Mar 19, 2018 at 13:12
  • fd=true works for me (2022)
    – hostnik
    Commented Apr 4, 2022 at 12:21

To force desktop version in your mobile browser use: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0?fd=true

This works in the Chrome App in iOS at least.

  • 1
    How can I make it work for googl docs and Google spreadsheet?
    – Code Guy
    Commented Mar 24, 2020 at 14:59