I have been loged out of my facebook for a while. It all started when I imported some contacts from my old Yahoo mail.

They locked my account and I now have to verify it, I tried this they send me a SMS (sometimes), but when I enter it nothing happens, if I try again I get a error.

This is the message I see:

For security reasons your account is temporarily locked If this account reflects your real name and personal information, please help us verify it.

And when I press next

Enter confirmation code A code was sent to your following number: REMOVED

Once you've received your confirmation code, please enter it below. This will help confirm your account ownership.

Resend code

What do I, do? I have tried Google but I found nothing that helps, I can resend the code and I tried that but it does not work.

The error I get on second try is:

The security code you entered is incorrect or expired. Please try having the code sent to you again.

If you need more information, let me know.

1 Answer 1


You will have to contact Facebook with this problem. Try this form to report an issue with SMS verification.

  • Thanks, I did it and got this message "Thanks for contacting Facebook. You should receive an email response shortly." I'll report back if this fixes my problem. Commented Apr 16, 2012 at 4:41
  • I did contact them, but nothing happend. I tried the SMS again for the 100th time and it worked. Commented Apr 17, 2012 at 13:12

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