Here is the documentation about this.
Set sharing options
This feature requires turning on Google Groups for Business. When
using Google Groups for Business, you can set sharing options that
Whether people outside your domain can access your groups service What
users can do with the service, such as whether they can create their
own groups, allow their groups to receive external messages, or add
external members Note: Users can always manage their own group
memberships. They can remove themselves from any groups they are a
member of, and depending on the group's settings, add themselves to a
group. To set sharing options for Groups for Business:
Sign in to the Google Admin console. From the dashboard, go to Google
Apps > Groups for Business. Click Sharing settings or Advanced
settings. Select your preferences in the Sharing Options section. The
following sharing options are available:
Outside this domain - access to groups This sets the highest level of
access to your groups for users outside your domain:
Public on the Internet: Anyone inside or outside your domain can
access your Groups service and view the list of groups in your Groups
directory. They may also be able to do the following, depending on a
group's access settings: View the group's information page, including
its discussion archive Manage their subscriptions to the group Post
messages to the group If you select this option, a new access setting
called Also grant this access to anyone on the Internet becomes
available on the "Create a new group" page in the Admin console and
the Groups for Business service for administrators. For users, this
option becomes available in the Groups for Business service only if
you also select the following additional sharing options:
Group owners can allow members outside this domain Group owners can
allow incoming email from outside this domain
Private: Access to your Groups service is restricted to users in your
domain. However, if any groups already have external members, those
members can still send email to their groups.