Outlook users can specify the importance of an email message when sending to other Outlook users. This might specifically be for Exchange/Outlook users, I am unsure.

Using Gmail to send a message to an Outlook user (or even another Gmail user) can you specify the importance flag?

If so, how?

  • I have tried an experiment a friend using Exchange/Outlook sent an email with High Importance to my Gmail account. There were no visible flags or indications that the message was sent with High Importance.
    – 666damo
    Commented Jul 27, 2010 at 12:02
  • changed wording for clarification
    – 666damo
    Commented Jul 27, 2010 at 12:03

1 Answer 1


Unfortunately that feature is not available in the Gmail interface. This type of thing is what makes me not want to use it as a primary personal service... I ran across the feature request at one point on the support site, but I can't find the exact one now. Here's one from the Google Apps Help Forums.

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