I am getting the same error as described here except not for the same reason. I am using the new Google Sheets, so I am supposed to be able to paste the entire source URL into the sheet, like so:
=ImportRange("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zRHatplJ6AVUSWr1HXoycUrvtK05dw4-ZqeEYN1xJ4Y/edit?usp=sharing", "B:B")
However, that results in the error:
The requested spreadsheet key, sheet title, or cell range was not found.
I am the author of both sheets, so I see no reason for the error to occur. Also, since I'm trying to get the data from the second column of the first sheet in the source, I shouldn't need to include the sheet name. Nonetheless, I have tried it both with and without the sheet name, and got the same results.
Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Edit: Here is the source sheet, and here is the destination sheet (in particular, the "Data" sheet).