I'm working on a spreadsheet that records logistics reports via a google form. We have 100 locations and logistics personal visit and report on condition of each location, i.e. the location needs maintenance etc.

We have 3 categories of location: Priority locations that need to be visited daily, secondary locations that need to be visited a minimum every other day, and other locations that we aim to visit a minimum of every 3 days.

Each logistics visit is recorded in the spreadsheet via the form it captures:

Column A = Time Stamp,  
Column B = Location,  
Column C = Damage Yes/No,  
Column D = Damage Description,  
Column E = Personnel ID,  

I want to create a query that shows only the last visit for each location where that date is older than 3 days. If it's been visited to day or yesterday I don't want it to show up, and as we visit each location multiple times I only want to show 1 entry for each location, the latest entry.

This is what I've attempted:

=Query(LogisticsReports, " SELECT A, B, J WHERE A < TODAY()-3 ",1)

1 Answer 1


Short answer


   "SELECT A,B,J WHERE A < date '"&TEXT(TODAY()-3,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'",


QUERY use Google Visualization API Query Language. It handles dates differently than Google Sheets, so the result of functions that returns a date should be convert to a string having yyyy-mm-dd date format and have to be preceded by the date keyword.

  • That's great! I changed to A> date, that works better for what I want. Now I want to try and group the answers by location. Where would I add GROUP by =QUERY( LogisticsReports, "SELECT A,B,J WHERE A < date '"&TEXT(TODAY()-3,"yyyy-mm-dd") GROUP by B &"'", 1 ) Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 19:33
  • Thinking about it, this will not show locations that have a date older than TODAY()-3. But I want to ensure that the most recent date for each location is visible no matter what even if it's older than TODAY()-3 Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 19:56
  • 1
    Comments are intended for to criticize or to ask clarification regarding a question or answer. Follow-up questions should be posted as new questions. Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 22:32

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