I'm working on a spreadsheet that records logistics reports via a Google form. We have 100 locations and logistics personal visit and report on condition of each location, i.e. the location needs maintenance etc.
We have 3 categories of location: Priority locations that need to be visited daily, secondary locations that need to be visited a minimum every other day, and other locations that we aim to visit a minimum of every 3 days.
Each logistics visit is recorded in the spreadsheet via the form it captures:
Column A = Time Stamp,
Column B = Location,
Column C = Damage Yes/No,
Column D = Damage Description,
Column E = Personnel ID,
I want to create a query that groups the entries by location so that only the last visit for each location is displayed.
And use conditional formatting relating to latest visit date to highlight:
Green visited today,
Amber visited yesterday,
Red visited three days ago.