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Some pictures of my friend and his girlfriend were posted in a Facebook group without their permission. I need help removing them [closed] Here is the link to the post where those pictures were posted. What steps should I take to remove them? I want them removed as soon as ...
Heshith Dashan's user avatar
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Post on a public Facebook group without notifying friends

I am aware that Facebook shows your comments on friends' news feeds / timelines, even if they don't follow the group or page the comment was left on, as long as the comment is publicly accessible to ...
simplegamer's user avatar
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"Can't send request" Facebook Problem

When I want to add people outside my country, 9/10 times I get the Pop-Up saying: "Can't send request It looks like you may not know this person. Send requests to people who you know personally ...
gustavo10's user avatar
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Can Facebook group admins see the location of people who contact them to join their group?

I messaged a group admin requesting to join their private group and the admin was able to see my location (albeit it wasn't my actual location because I was using company server). I was using my ...
Lilytarrace's user avatar
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How do I allow getting Facebook event invitations from the general public?

I don't see anything in the privacy settings that would prevent people from inviting me to events. Some people say they cannot invite me to events as my name is not populating, even though we are part ...
Chloe's user avatar
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In Facebook, how to restrict my own posts in a group only visible to the group members?

In Facebook, how can I restrict my own posts in a group to only be visible to the group members? In other words, I don't like the posts that are only relevant to the members of that group being ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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Facebook Group with a Restricted Friend

On Facebook, I've got my boss as a "Restricted Friend" so he isn't seeing my posts unless I make them public. Now, he's joined a Group that I manage. Will he be able to see posts I make to the group's ...
Nick Heidke's user avatar