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Automatically not allow tag for certain friend

I have an overzealous friend on Facebook who always takes random pictures and tags me in them. Is there an automatic way to prevent having him tag me? If I am actually in a picture, is there a way ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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"Photos of Jonathan" missing while 'viewing as public'

When I look at my Facebook photos via "View as Public" I notice I don't have the Photos of Jonathan tab. I only have the Jonathan's Photos and the Albums tab. I browsed some profiles and noticed some ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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If I change the privacy of a photo on Facebook from "Only Me" to "Friends", will my friends get notified about it?

If I change the privacy of a photo on Facebook from "Only Me" to "Friends", will my friends get notified about it? What can I do if I don't want them to be notified?
Galit Ken's user avatar