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4 answers

Share your Facebook photo album with non-Facebook users

In the 2000s (before 2010) Facebook would allow you to get a direct URL to one's own Facebook album that could be emailed and shared with non-Facebook users. People have asked this question before ...
Rahul Khimasia's user avatar
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If I change the privacy of a photo on Facebook from "Only Me" to "Friends", will my friends get notified about it?

If I change the privacy of a photo on Facebook from "Only Me" to "Friends", will my friends get notified about it? What can I do if I don't want them to be notified?
Galit Ken's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Does Facebook notify a user when their picture is removed per privacy-violation request?

I found a few pictures of my kids on Facebook that I would like to file a child privacy take-down request. What happens when Facebook actually removes the pictures... is the picture-poster notified? ...
Josh Hibschman's user avatar
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Limiting Exposure on Facebook

I want to know if there is any way to modify my Facebook profile so that no other user can click on my photos tab and see other photos. Within the condition I'm outlining however, I could still see ...
user3163829's user avatar
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Automatically not allow tag for certain friend

I have an overzealous friend on Facebook who always takes random pictures and tags me in them. Is there an automatic way to prevent having him tag me? If I am actually in a picture, is there a way ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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"Photos of Jonathan" missing while 'viewing as public'

When I look at my Facebook photos via "View as Public" I notice I don't have the Photos of Jonathan tab. I only have the Jonathan's Photos and the Albums tab. I browsed some profiles and noticed some ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Why can't my friend see a photo on my timeline that is supposed to viewable by friends of anyone tagged?

I was recently tagged in a photo. The person that took it is not my friend (a mutual friend of ours, who also appears in the photo, tagged me). I approved it to appear on my timeline. If I look at ...
Jer's user avatar
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1 answer

Setting to turn off viewing of Facebook photos from those tagged as "Public"?

Currently, to someone that views my timeline as Public, they are able to see all my photos. I've been looking at my Account and Privacy settings, but no where is there a change that allows me to turn ...
theGreenCabbage's user avatar
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3 answers

Can my location be found from a Facebook picture?

This old ABC News clip dramatically announces a "new and freightening threat [...] unknown to many Internet crime experts", which exposes a child's location via pictures posted to Twitter, Facebook, ...
nic's user avatar
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Stop my photos from getting onto Facebook?

How can I stop photos of me from getting onto Facebook or Google Plus? I am not a user of social networks and do not want my photo on these networks. I am very concerned I may be added by friends or ...
Jarhead's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How do I set the privacy for a single pic/photo in Facebook?

I want to restrict viewing of one of my single uploaded pic on Facebook. How do I do that?
explorer's user avatar
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