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Why does google keep not show up in the Google Chrome Apps shortcut below the navbar?

I was wondering: Why does google keep not show up in the Google Chrome Apps shortcut? Is it possible to adjust which apps getting displayed there?
Marc's user avatar
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Can I create a new Google Keep note from Chrome's omnibox?

Chrome's omnibox features are really great, e.g. to create a new Google Calendar event. Is someone aware of any possibility to create a new Google Keep note from the omnibox?
orschiro's user avatar
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How do I download images from Google Keep?

I shared an image from my phone to Google Keep. I open it on the Google Keep Chrome application. But there's no download option. How do I download images from Google Keep? Is there a work-around?
dayuloli's user avatar
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Google Keep auto-focuses Chrome

I opened Google Keep in Google Chrome, then I focused another window while it was loading. Suddenly, Chrome re-focused itself! While I was typing in another window! (I even minimized the window, ...
gen_Eric's user avatar