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Questions tagged [google-keep]

For questions about the web interface of Google's note-taking app, Google Keep. Questions about the Android app should go to

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3 answers

How can I sort notes by most recently edited?

I'm using Google Keep but it's not like any other note apps I've used in the past. I make edits to notes and then I can't find them because the sort order doesn't change. Is there a way for Google ...
user318107's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why does google keep not show up in the Google Chrome Apps shortcut below the navbar?

I was wondering: Why does google keep not show up in the Google Chrome Apps shortcut? Is it possible to adjust which apps getting displayed there?
Marc's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How do I archive all notes?

How do I archive all my notes without selecting each one individually? I have hundreds (maybe thousands) of notes. My Reminders page is impossible to navigate, I can't see my latest reminders without ...
Aralox's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I make Chrome/Google search on my google data?

Google has a lot of places where you can store your data. Drive, Keep, Tasks, Calendar, Gmail, etc. Sometimes I write a note in Google Keep, sometimes I make a Task, sometimes I make a document on ...
empz's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Sort Google Keep "Titles" in alphabetical order

Google Keep "Labels" are sorted automatically in alphabetical order. How do I sort "Titles"in the same way?
Fred Black's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Moving entries from one Google Keep list to another

Say I have two lists in Google Keep. Is there a clean way to move an entry from one list to another? If neither list is "opened" I can't even select an entry from either one, and if one list is "...
Geoffrey Irving's user avatar
0 votes
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How to list all shared items?

Is there a way, a search string maybe, for Google Keep to list all my shared items (either shared by me or shared with me)?
Zubo's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get content from Google Drive to Evernote?

I want to transfer my Google Keep notes to Evernote. Because Zapier doesn't support Google Keep yet, what I wanted to do is use the "Copy to Docs" option within Google Keep to export my notes to ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do you indent using a keyboard shortcut in Google Keep if you have a non-US-keyboard layout?

How do you indent using a keyboard shortcut in Google Keep if you have a non-US-keyboard layout? On a Swedish keyboard on a Mac I used ⌃⌘ and the keys to the right of P (Å and ¨) to indent and ...
d-b's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How can you look for a sequence of words?

Let's say you want to look through your notes and find every note that has exactly "Lorem ipsum" in it. You don't want notes containing only "Lorem" or containing only "ipsum", you want notes that ...
user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

In Google Keep, how to format lines as nested bullet points?

In Google Keep, how to format lines as nested bullet points? I understand single-level bullet points can be formatted by creating the note as a list.
qazwsx's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Get notified when a shared Google Keep note is being updated?

I have some notes in Google Keep with collaborators. How, if possible, can I get some kind of notification when such note is being updated by someone else? Also third party solutions are fine, since ...
arieljannai's user avatar
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How can I search my Google Drive AND Google Keep?

I'm considering using Google Keep but wondering if it just becomes another deep box to search for stuff in. Can I search my Google Drive and Google Keep from one search tool?
Clay Nichols's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Prevent Google Keep from adding more line breaks

When I take notes on my PC, I usually write everything down in a regular txt file first. Later, I would copy the content of that txt file over to Google Keep. I don't know when they introduced this......
user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Google Keep keeps signing me out

Google Keep is not working. I keep getting this message even after I refresh and try logging back in You’ve been signed out. Please reload the page to sign in again and continue working I have ...
Dries Bester's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

What is the limit to the number of labels in Google Keep?

I cannot add more labels to Google Keep because there seems to be a limit to the amount of labels you can use. I cannot find what that limit is. (I don't think I have used that many labels!) Does ...
René's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to pin a note above all other in Keep?

I use Google Keep daily and I need one of my notes above all others. Is it possible to show it above all my older ones and also make the new ones appear under it (pin it or something like that), so I ...
FF12b's user avatar
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2 answers

Show missed reminders in Google Keep

Is there a way to show reminders which have passed? I use them for due dates but can't see them in Reminders section after the reminder has expired. A query string I could put in search, perhaps?
Jay Wick's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to embed a map in a Google Keep note?

Just as the title says, is it possible to embed a map from Google Maps (i.e. when you click on "share") in a note from Google Keep?
user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How to share Google Keep labels with others?

I have multiple Google Keep labels and I would like to share them with other users. I know you can share a single note but I would like to share an entire Label. Is this possible? And if yes, how can ...
Mihai Vinaga's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to keep the side menu always open in Google Keep?

I'd like to at least have the left sidebar menu open by default, as I use it a lot. Is there a way to not have to click the hamburger menu to open it?
vergenzt's user avatar
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0 answers

Getting Google Keep shortcuts to work with Category Tabs

Pressing ? in Google Keep gives an overview of the shortcuts that can be used. However, after I have installed Category Tabs for Google Keep, some shortcuts don't seem to work anymore. For instance, ...
chtenb's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I create a checklist in Google Keep from a Google Sheets spreadsheet?

I exported my list of books I own from Shelfari, and want to create checklists in Keep for certain authors that will make it easier to browse second hand stores and not buy things I already have. I ...
simbabque's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Can I create a new Google Keep note from Chrome's omnibox?

Chrome's omnibox features are really great, e.g. to create a new Google Calendar event. Is someone aware of any possibility to create a new Google Keep note from the omnibox?
orschiro's user avatar
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48 votes
2 answers

Markdown formatting in Google Keep?

Is it possible to use Markdown formatting in Google Keep?
orschiro's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Hide work Google Keep items on the weekend

In Google Keep I store both personal and work-related items. Over the weekend I don't like to see any of the work-related items, so I can stay in my Zen state of mind. Is there any way to achieve this?...
Matthijs P's user avatar
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Google Keep sync is delayed or doesn't happen when a long time between logins

I have a dual installation of Windows & Ubuntu and I use Google Keep Chrome app on both the OSes as well as on my Android phone. I boot into Ubuntu about once a month or so. The problem I am ...
kp91's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How scalable is Google Keep?

I'm considering the migration of my entire project planning (and "life planning") from to Google Keep. I have about 5000 entries there, sometimes consisting of a few pages of text, but ...
instinctive's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Google Keep backed with Google Calendar

I use Google Keep to remember tasks to be done and want to store them in Google Calendar. Sometimes I use Google Now to set reminder, however they go here. I want consistent look of tasks, events, ...
Nilesh's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Alphabetical sort of list in Google Keep

I'm using Google Keep to make my grocery list and share it with my family. The problem I've found is that when I have many items checked and i want to uncheck one of them (e.g., "ice"), it's very ...
Daniel's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Google Keep search options

I would like to organize my Google Keep notes, using the labels feature. Is there any way to show only notes without a label?
Liam's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Storage limitations on Google Keep

I've tried searching for the answer but couldn't find it. Do the notes stored in Google Keep use space from the Google storage? Or is it free and unlimited like a Google doc in Google Drive? EDIT: ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

How do I download images from Google Keep?

I shared an image from my phone to Google Keep. I open it on the Google Keep Chrome application. But there's no download option. How do I download images from Google Keep? Is there a work-around?
dayuloli's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Google Keep won't load properly in Firefox

Google Keep will not function for me anymore in Firefox. When I go to, as soon as the page finishes loading I get a little dialog that says You've been signed out. Please ...
eidylon's user avatar
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0 answers

Google Keep auto-focuses Chrome

I opened Google Keep in Google Chrome, then I focused another window while it was loading. Suddenly, Chrome re-focused itself! While I was typing in another window! (I even minimized the window, ...
gen_Eric's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

How do I mimic categories or folders in Google Keep?

The note-takers that I use, use folders. I'm used to using folders. How do you mimic folders in Google Keep? One thing that I thought of is to keep a separate note that has the list of all tags, ...
kirill_igum's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Google Keep Does not work after turning on 2-factor Authentication on Google Account

I have been using "Google Keep" extensively to keep notes on my workstation, laptop and my mobile phone. I turned on two factor authentication recently and Google Keep stopped working on my desktop ...
Moiz Tankiwala's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

How to import from Google Keep or save all locally?

I have a lot of notes in Google Keep. Can I save this info locally on computer or import to MS Word? Not every note separately but all together?
Alexan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Post from Google Keep to Google+

Is there a way to post (publish) a note from Google Keep to Google+ (sure I don't want to do copy+paste)? I tried to find support for Google Keep, but I couldn't find it easily to ask them directly. ...
ni5ni6's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Google Keep Printing

I have been taking notes with Google Keep, but I cannot find any way to print. I cannot open the files in my Drive and there does not seem to be a print button. The Chrome file-print is greyed out. ...
Steven Goldman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to move Scratchpad notes to Google Keep

I would like to move my notes from Scratchpad to the new Google Keep app, but I have not found any way to do that. How can I do this transfer?
Ger's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Hide completed list items in Google Keep

I have several Google Keep notes that work as a to-do list. (One for groceries, one for work things, and one for my private life things.) But it kind of annoys me that completed tasks (list items) ...
Simon Lenz's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Google Keep with multiple categories?

I've recently started using Google Keep for storing quick notes on my phone and personal laptop. I'd like to start using this at work also on my desktop machine, however I don't want my work notes to ...
Curtis's user avatar
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2 answers

Set Grid layout as default in Google Keep

I just started using the Google Keep service and I have noticed that the web-interface always starts in the list-view, even if I set it to grid. Is there a way to configure Google Keep to always use ...
Michael K's user avatar
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