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Meting participant limits for Google Workspace Individual Subscribers

In Google Meet, what are the meeting limits with a Google Workspace Individual subscription? I don't see any information on the site other than "Conduct group meetings longer than 60 minutes ...
Quiet_waters's user avatar
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What is the duration of a Google Meet URL? (personal account)

I have a personal Google account. I can create Google Meet rooms easily by clicking on the "Start a meeting" button: The URLs created by clicking that button are like
Peque's user avatar
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Record only chat in Google Meet

If I record during Google Meet meeting, two files are created in Google Drive - one containing the video, the other one containing transcript of chat. Is it possible to record in a such way that only ...
Martin's user avatar
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Is there a way to record Google Meet live captions

Google Meet (web, in particular) has live captions Is there any way to record (and save) this [whole/full] meeting transcript?
Wile E.'s user avatar
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Google Meet permanent room

When we start a meeting we get a meeting URL like Is there a way to get a customized and/or permanent meeting URL? Even "customized" is an optional one, the requirement ...
Jimson James's user avatar