#The Situation#
I've subscribed to some newsletters. These newsletters/issues come out on a weekly or daily basis. I'm able to receive these newsletters via Email or RSS. I want to save them automatically to Pocket.
###Newsletters/Feed items to add
- Web Design Weekly
- Responsive Design Weekly
- CSS Weekly
- Sidebar.io
- The Pastry Box Project (only RSS)
###1. Pocket: direct integration into Email services
- not possible.
- Pocket guys say, there is no way to integrate Pocket into email clients like in some RSS clients. (Source)
###2. IFTTT: If "New email labeled" then "Save to Pocket"##
- if this > Gmail channel > new email labeled Newsletter
- then that > Pocket channel > Save Body Plain to Pocket
###3. IFTTT: If "New email labeled" then "Send an email"##
- if this > Gmail channel > new email labeled Newsletter
- then that > Email channel > Send Body Plain as email to
[email protected]
Pocket will add the first link from the email it finds – does it ignore images inside <img src="" />
###4. IFTTT: If "New feed item" then "Save to Pocket"##
- if this > Feed channel > new feed item from specified feed url
- then that > Pocket channel > Save Entry URL to Pocket
Although I would need to create a recipe for every newsletter I subscribed via RSS.
Additional information: