I want to use the ARRAYFORMULA
version of
=AVERAGE(Linda!B3, Nandi!B3, David!B3, Remmelt!B3)
I want the cell to calculate the average value of the entries in that cell from the other tabs (Linda, Nandi, David, Remmelt). I need to use AVERAGE
and not just sum and division, because I need to deal with the fact that not everyone will enter values in all cells.
I tried using
=ARRAYFORMULA(AVERAGE(Linda!B3:B, Nandi!B3:B, David!B3:B, Remmelt!B3:B))
but then it average over all four columns, not just the four cells I want.
As far as I understand ARRAYFORMULA
takes an input of type array and displays it over as many cells. So the problem comes down to making AVERAGE
(or similar) output an array.