Kind of new here. Tried to look for a similar answer but not quite getting it to work.
I made a formula - it worked. I turned it into an array formula - it worked.
But it was returning 0's in the column where the reference cell was blank.
I looked up ISBLANK
and that seems like the right answer...
I combined them - not broken, but not working. (so ArrayFormula is still giving the correct answer, but 0's are all still there)
Any ideas? I've worked my way to this point - made a sample file
I get the I needed to put the IF(ISBLANK)
_before the ArrayFormula, and if you look at my example it works..until you fill in cell B4, then all the zeros show up.
I'm pretty sure I'm making a pretty basic mistake at this point. thanks in advance - if you don't look at the file, here's the formula: