I wanted to move all the mails I had sent to people and had not received a reply, into a label in Gmail. After trying different queries for an hour, I realised multiple queries would do the trick. And this worked for me.
Search for
in:inbox to:me category:personal
Select all conversations that match this search, and Label as: Create new Label → Replied
Search for
in:inbox from:me -label:replied
Select all conversations that match this search, and Label as: Create new Label → NoReplyPlusChats
Search for
label:NoReplyPlusChats is:chats
Select all conversations that match this search, and Remove Label NoReplyPlusChats → Apply
Rename Label NoReplyPlusChats to NoReply
Delete Label Replied
Now all your un-replied mails have the label: NoReply
(NOTE: Label NoReply would still contain your synced notes from smartphones, Apple Notes etc.)