I want have students submit the same Google Form every time they use their pedometer or Fitbit. Then I want the sheet to sum the students steps each time a form is submitted. I don’t want to manually scan through 500 responses and add each student individually. Any ideas on how to accomplish this? enter image description here

  • Welcome. Do you have a test sheet? Commented Oct 21, 2020 at 1:29
  • I essentially want to add the totals by email address. I tried SUMIF but would have to put all 500 email in. Is there a way around that?
    – MegT
    Commented Oct 21, 2020 at 2:13
  • In that case my provided formula meets your needs. All you have to do is adjust the ranges. Can you do that? Commented Oct 21, 2020 at 2:14

1 Answer 1


Taking into consideration the little info you give, I imagine that if your response sheet (Form Responses) looks something like this:

|      Timestamp      | Last name | First name |           Email           | Steps |
| 2020-10-19 23:25:51 | Boc       | Florencia  | [email protected]         |   356 |
| 2020-10-19 22:33:29 | Boc       | Florencia  | [email protected]         |   175 |
| 2020-10-19 19:58:08 | Splevins  | Donny      | [email protected]       |   153 |
| 2020-10-19 18:40:52 | Castagne  | Cedric     | [email protected]          |   382 |
| 2020-10-19 17:56:40 | Gipp      | Eloisa     | [email protected]          |   147 |
| 2020-10-19 17:26:39 | Splevins  | Donny      | [email protected]       |   365 |
| 2020-10-19 17:09:17 | Riccardi  | Monica     | [email protected] |   289 |
| 2020-10-19 17:07:08 | Boc       | Florencia  | [email protected]         |   284 |
| 2020-10-19 16:54:45 | Gipp      | Eloisa     | [email protected]          |   174 |
| 2020-10-19 14:20:50 | Riccardi  | Monica     | [email protected] |   233 |
| 2020-10-19 14:02:00 | Splevins  | Donny      | [email protected]       |   173 |
| 2020-10-19 09:51:38 | Riccardi  | Monica     | [email protected] |   177 |
| 2020-10-19 04:49:03 | Splevins  | Donny      | [email protected]       |   320 |

If so, you then need to create a new sheet and place the following QUERY formula i cell A1

=QUERY('Form Responses'!A1:E, 
    "select B, C, sum(E) where A is not null group by B, C ",1)

(Please adjust ranges to your needs)

enter image description here

If still in need please let us know.

  • Thank you for taking the time to accept. :) Commented Oct 26, 2020 at 19:20

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