Is there any way to get an error text from the formula in Google Spreadsheets?
For ex., I see the following error -
В диапазоне функции VLOOKUP значение "zzz" не найдено.
(the value 'zzz' not found)
I would like to extract 'zzz' from the error text.
I can not refer to the cell text, since the formula here looks like
=JOIN(", ";ARRAYFORMULA(VLOOKUP(SPLIT(A1;" ");'mapping table'!A:B;2;FALSE)))
Upd. here is the sample table -, the expected value is given in cell D1. I would like to get it from the error text.
contains search keys, and you want to return search results, or if there is no match, the search key itself. Is this an XY problem? Consider sharing a publicly editable sample spreadsheet with realistic-looking data, and showing your hand-entered expected results there.