I've created a spreadsheet to keep track of the progress that my friends are making in a competition we're doing. I would like google sheets to automatically update which one of us comes in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd based on the values in other cells. For instance, if I were to come in first, I would enter "Win" into a cell, which sheets would then read and compare to the empty "Win" cells of my friends. If my cell is the only one with "Win" in it, sheets would give me 1st. Then when either of my friends finish and type "Win" into their respective cells, sheets will read the cells again and assign 2nd, and finally by default give the last friend 3rd. This dilemma isn't critical to the spreadsheet or anything, I'd just like to know if it's possible for the sake of knowledge and to have the spreadsheet do something cool. I've tried nesting multiple IF, AND, and OR functions and thought I was getting close, but it never completely worked. If anyone knows if this is even possible in sheets or knows of a solution, any help is appreciated. I've attached a copy of the spreadsheet.