I am trying to convert a function from Microsoft Excel to Google Sheets. In Microsoft Excel, it is written as =-cellA*LOGZ(cellA;2). The Microsoft help page points out that the syntax for LOGZ is LOGZ(číslo, [základ]), so I hypothesize that Excel in English will have LOGB, where B would stay for base, so LOGB(number, [base]). If I look on Google Sheets help, it shows the following notation: LOG(value, base). So, I have constructed the following formula in Sheets: =-D34*LOG(D34, 2). It ends with an error that doesn't recognize LOG as a function. Note that D34 is also a formula. So I wonder, where is the problem? If I place a comma in the brackets, D34 becomes black, which looks like the Google parser doesn't recognize it anymore as a variable. If I exclude coma in the brackets, it recognizes both values but still ends with an error function not recognized. And this is just one of the tests I performed. E.g. I have replaced D34 with a value or placed more brackets into my formula. It kind of looks like my use of the log function is not correct, but what is the correct function then?


1 Answer 1


While it is the case that there are some locale-based differences between how logarithmic functions are named in Excel, a review of your Google sheet exposed the problem unrelated to the function names but still tied to your locale of Czechia.

EU vs. Non-EU Separators

This applies to most EU/Non-EU locales

Locale Decimal
{ Horizontal }
Array Separator
{ Vertical }
Array Separator
Non-EU . period , comma , comma ; semi-colon
EU , comma ; semi-colon \ back-slash ; semi-colon

In my examples below, you need to replace the comma , which is the formula argument separator for most non-EU regions with a semi-colon ; which is the correct one for your region.

=D34*LOG(D34, 2)

# EU
=D34*LOG(D34; 2)

Sample Sheets Formula (Similar to Your Example)

Referenced Cell D34 Contains a Formula (Similar to Your Example)


Function Names: Czech vs. English

 1.   Microsoft Excel

The syntax for logarithmic functions differs in Excel between Czech and English

Excel LOGZ (Czech)
Czech Syntax:     LOGZ(number,[base])
English Syntax:   LOG(number, [base])

Excel LOG (Czech)
Czech Syntax:     LOG(number)
English Syntax:   LOG10(number)

 2.   Google Sheets

Google Sheets uses the English versions LOG* and LOG10 for both English and Czech.

* Regardless of the locale/language settings, Sheets will allow LOGZ to be entered in place of LOG and will immediately replace it with LOG when committing/saving the formula.


Jak na Excel (How to Excel)
   -   LOGZ (LOG) - logaritmus - Excel
   -   LOG (LOG10) - dekadický logaritmus - Excel

Microsoft Office Support
  -    Funkce LOGZ (CZ)    |     LOG function (EN)
  -    Funkce LOG (CZ)      |     LOG10 function (EN)

Google Sheets Support
  -    LOG Function
  -    LOG10 Function

  • 1
    And from your example, it looks like it doesn't matter whether there is a space or not behind the comma/semicolon. Right?
    – Juandev
    Commented Mar 3, 2023 at 22:19
  • Correct. Spaces are often included to make code more legible. It is a stylistic choice, except when it matters, which isn't in a list or arguments.
    – Blindspots
    Commented Mar 3, 2023 at 23:38

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