I have a range of two columns with year and dates. In another sheet I want to repeat this range for X amount of times under each other. How can I do this?

So for example I have this range:

Year | Month
2012 | 12
2013 | 01
2013 | 02
2013 | 03

And I want to be able to say: put that range under each other for X amount of times. For example 3 times:

Year | Month
2012 | 12
2013 | 01
2013 | 02
2013 | 03
2012 | 12
2013 | 01
2013 | 02
2013 | 03
2012 | 12
2013 | 01
2013 | 02
2013 | 03

How could I do this?

  • Did my solution work for you?
    – Jacob Jan
    Commented Jul 22, 2013 at 20:21

3 Answers 3


This little script will repeat any range (with or without the header) to the given amount:

function output(range,amount,header) {
  var output = [];

  // check if range is cell
  if(typeof range == 'string') {
    for(var i=0; i<amount; i++) {
    return output;
  } else {
    // check if header is wanted
    var value;
    if(header == 1) {
    } else if(header == "") {
    } else {
    for(var i=0; i<amount; i++) {
      for(var j=value, jLen=range.length; j<jLen; j++) {
    return output;

In order to get the result from your question, use the following formula:
enter image description here

Under Tools>Script editor you can paste the code. Press the save button and you're on the go !!

I've prepared an example file for you to play around with: Repeat Range


You can rept range using formula (for e.g. you need rept range "C1:C4" 2 times):


  • You can link to the cell in another cell (for e.g. data!C1) , and for second column repeat formula with other column character. For x - push value for some cell (e.g. A1) and link on it. =transpose(split(REPT(data!C1&","&data!C2&",";data!A1);",";true))
    – alunet
    Commented Sep 13, 2017 at 16:20
  • 1
    I'm inclined to leave this for now in the hope that it can be salvaged by editing. Not sure if that will happen, though.
    – jonsca
    Commented Sep 13, 2017 at 22:56

Just to demonstrate one way to achieve the result (not necessarily the means) I think OP wants. Import data with something like:

 =IMPORTRANGE(" k e y ","Sheet1!A1:B5")

Assuming Year in A1 of Sheet1 and into A1, then in A6 and copied across to B6:


with the pair copied down to suit.

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