I wanted to find and highlight the smallest value larger than 0, but the formula I am using does not work in the conditional formatting.

 =MIN(FILTER(L4:L100, (L4:L100)>0))

Namely, if I use it inside the sheet, it will find value 0.44 and write it out.

However, if I used it in the conditional formatting, it will mark ALL values larger than 0.

Anyone knows why the formula does not work in the conditional formatting?

  • Thanks for this question, it's the solution to my problem. :) The formula you entered here already works great for finding the lowest number (in a range) that is higher than a provided number. Commented Aug 3, 2020 at 14:45

1 Answer 1


I found a solution out of sudden. I have forgotten (did knot know it was needed) to add another condition.

The correct formula is:

 =L4:L100=MIN(FILTER(L4:L100, (L4:L100)>0),1)

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