Is there a way to apply conditional formatting to an entire Google Sheet so that for every checkbox marked true, it highlights the entire row and the next row?
My sheet has a checkbox in every other row in column A (i.e. A2, A4, etc.), and when it is checked (TRUE), I want to highlight the current row and the next row.
If the A2 checkbox is checked (TRUE), I want $A2 (A2:E2) and $A3 (A3:E3) to highlight the same color. IF A4 is true, I want $A4 (A4:E4) and $A5 (A5:E5) to highlight.
I know I can do this for each range (i.e., range=A2:E3, custom formula =$A$2=TRUE), but that would take forever and I have a LOT of checkboxes.