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Questions tagged [highlight]

Use for questions about applying a colour (usually, but sometimes by shading) background as a visual prompt to draw attention to parts of text. For code see [syntax-highlighting] and for other means of emphasis see [formatting] and [text-formatting].

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1 answer

Highlighting only text for google sheets

Is it possible to highlight individual text in Google Sheets, just like how you can on Google Docs or Slides?
Emma's user avatar
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2 answers

How to highlight a value only if it appears 6 times within a 13 column window

I am creating a rota on Google sheets and I am looking to highlight a name whenever that name comes up more than 6 times within a 13 column window. At the moment the formula is =COUNTIF($B4:$Z4,"...
Cerlwallers's user avatar
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0 answers

Conditional formatting google sheets with true false

I am trying to highlight cell A5-G5 using conditional formatting. The range I am applying is A5:G90 with custom formula =if(H5:H90,TRUE). However it's only highlighting just A1. How can I highlight it ...
Kkita's user avatar
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1 answer

How to highlight current row and next row if checkbox is true with conditional formatting (Google Sheets)

Is there a way to apply conditional formatting to an entire Google Sheet so that for every checkbox marked true, it highlights the entire row and the next row? My sheet has a checkbox in every other ...
Alisa N's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to stop Google Chrome from highlighting things I click on?

Since the update on May 28, 2020, Google Chrome has decided to do this annoying new thing where, on many sites: When I click on a box that I can type in, it surrounds the text box in a black outline ...
Demon's user avatar
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0 answers

How to activate keyword highlighting in search results of DuckDuckGo?

Is it possible to have the query words highlighted in the search results of DuckDuckGo? I really like the Google layout, which displays text passages with query word in bold fonts. Does DDG have a ...
david's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to highlight specific words in search results?

Is there a way to highlight particular words in cells that I enter into the search window? Sometimes, working with a huge text we need to find only several words among long text and we have to read ...
Alexander's user avatar
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1 answer

I would like to select one cell and highlight different cells in the same Google Sheets

I would like to know if it is possible to just click one cell and then different cells be automatically highlighted. For example, when I click B3 cell I would like to highlight cells: G3, L3, Q3, V3, ...
Bart's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Is there a way to highlight text in a received email in Gmail?

I'd like to be able to highlight portions of text in emails I receive from other people, in Gmail. When I reopen those emails (often large), I'd like to be able to see what portions of text I had ...
Nick's user avatar
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2 answers

Highlight and comment in a web page and send them automatically to Evernote in a seamless way?

Right now, I am trying a service called diigo that allows me to highlight and comment any web page I come across. I also use an IFTTT recipe to send the highlighted URL's page to an Evernote notebook. ...
Alexandre Martins's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot change Diigo highlight color when it has a sticky note

In Diigo, we can highlight text and add a sticky note to that highlighted text. I cannot find a way to change the highlight's color after adding a sticky note to it. Is there a solution to this? ...
Nam G VU's user avatar
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6 answers
6k views Can't highlight text - why?

Does anyone know why I can't highlight text when visiting Give it a try and see if it works for you - This is something that happens on every computer I've visited Snopes from, if I had to ...
mistiry's user avatar
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