I have a spreadsheet with many sheets. (Data1 Data2 and Data3). One sheet is named Search. This search sheet will search all 3 sheets (Data1,Data2,Data3)
Results will return on the sheet named Search. Columns A, B and C will be returned under the search box. The results need to be 'clickable'. When clicked, it takes you to the sheet and row you were searching for.
I am just trying to search across many sheets. The standard search feature in Google Sheets is not what I want.
My code:
=QUERY(Data1!A2:C, Data2!A2:C, Data3!A2:C "SELECT * WHERE A "&E3&" '"&F3&"'")
How do I make the results 'hyperlinks' to the sheet and row the user is looking for?
Example Page with editor permissions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jus_FSSy4duqDpxd4Si1jov4PXfj3ilqV_gwxKuwjcE/edit#gid=0