I'm working on a google docs project and which has a lot of headings followed by lists. For instance, a heading with ten references and then another section of normal text.

What I would LIKE to happen is when I reach this heading section is to have a couple of blank lines followed by the heading and next section beginning on the same page. Ex.



Different Heading

What happens is whenever I add section of text prefaced by a heading Google Docs throws it in its own page no matter how much space is left on the previous page. This looks ugly and I'm trying to find a way to circumvent it.

What happens:

[blank space is here]

[blank space is here]

Different Heading

All of the text would neatly fit on one page if I could figure out how to get google docs to let me just use that one page. Is there a way to force docs to use all the space on a page before going to the next one?


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