So I am currently making a calculator, but need to make it as simple as possible. Currently I have it like this:
=IFERROR(query('Calculator Data'!B:H,"Select F where C='105 Kira Tusami'", ""))
If they want to calculate something else, they'd have to CTRL+F, and replace "105 Kira Tusami" with the number and the name of the person they need to calculate things for.
I am trying to find a way where they can type the number + name in to a cell, and it would automatically put that cell's content in to the formula.
So for an example:
Calculator!B6 = 105 Kira Tusami
=IFERROR(query('Calculator Data'!B:H,"Select F where C='Calculator!B6'", ""))
Obviously this doesnt work and I played around with it to see how I can get it to work, but can't seem to figure it out.