I have multiple monthly support contracts with always the same payment per client and per month. Some clients pay every month, others pay every 3, 6 or 12 months. I know the starting month for every contract. And I would like to see what is my income for January, February, etc.

How can I calculate the income at the different months?

Here are three samples:

Client amount per month starting month pays every X months
client A $29 1 (January) 3
client B $39 3 (March) 6
client C $49 10 (October) 12

Income for January: $XXX

Income for February: $XXX ...

  • is there a limit to the number of months or are we to assume a rolling 12 month period. Please edit your question accordingly together with what you have tried so far and the results to save unnecessary repetition. Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 17:28

2 Answers 2


First, replace starting months that are text strings like 1 (January) with dates like 2023-01-01:

Client Amount Start date Pays every X months
client A $29 2023-01-01 3
client B $39 2023-03-01 6
client C $49 2023-10-01 12

You can then get a list of payments like this:

  numMonths, amounts, startDates, periods, 
      { "month", "income" }, sequence(numMonths, 1, 0), 
        result, monthOrdinal, 
            amounts, startDates, periods, 
              amount, startDate, period, 
                edate(startDate, monthOrdinal), 
                amount * not(mod(monthOrdinal, period)) 
    "select Col1, sum(Col2) group by Col1 
     limit " & numMonths & " 
     format Col1 'MMM yyyy', sum(Col2) '$0' ", 1 
  filter(B2:B, isnumber(C2:C)), 
  filter(C2:C, isnumber(C2:C)), 
  filter(D2:D, isnumber(C2:C)) 

...with these results:

month sum income
Jan 2023 $29
Feb 2023 $0
Mar 2023 $39
Apr 2023 $29
May 2023 $0
Jun 2023 $0
Jul 2023 $29
Aug 2023 $0
Sep 2023 $39
Oct 2023 $78
Nov 2023 $0
Dec 2023 $0
... ...

To choose how far in the future the results extend, modify the 24 that signifies the number of months to iterate over.


You can try this formula, according to your proposed cells:


For this to work you should change your values in C to numbers, if you can't let me know!

  • I think this gives the correct results for the first 12 months with the sample data specified in the question. But it does not observe the start date correctly — try changing client 3's "pays every X months" to 2 to see the issue. Commented Dec 28, 2022 at 8:50

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