I am trying to prefill a date field for an embedded Cognito form.
Below is shown the JavaScript code which I'm using in order to preload a form for the Controls Textbox, MultiLine Textbox, Radio Buttons, Date Field and Drop Downs. But the Date of Birth, which is a Date Field, does not populate with the prefill data.
Cognito.load("forms", { id: "1" , entry: {
"FormId": getParameterByName("encid"),
"Name": getParameterByName("name"),
"Address": getParameterByName("addr"),
"Date of Birth": getParameterByName("dateofbirth"),
"Sex": getParameterByName("sex"),
"Form Number": getParameterByName("formnumber"),
} });
What is the syntax/format for prefilling dates in Cognito Forms?