I have one cell that contains a long string of several values separated by "|".

EXAMPLE in Cell B5

title | time | location | cost

I need a formula that will show the value of B5, but only the characters before the first "|".

Is it possible to trim everything including and following a specific character?

  • See answer below - that should do the trick Commented Oct 2, 2016 at 3:36

5 Answers 5


=REGEXEXTRACT(B5, "[^\s|]+")


  • \s a space
  • \s| a space followed by | character
  • ^ the first
  • ^\s| the first match of a space followed by | character
  • [] a group
  • [^\s|] a group found before the first match of a space followed by | character
  • + more than one character if possible
  • [^\s|]+ extract a group of characters before the first occurrence of a space followed by | character
  • 1
    if ^ is "the first", what would give the second or third?
    – TC76
    Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 0:07

Split formula may fit your needs:

=split(B5, "|")

next step: use index to return any of splitted words:

=TRIM(INDEX(split(B5, "|"),1))

change 1 to your number, this is the index of a word to return

  • thanks for the input, but that isn't what I'm looking for. I don't want to keep the data remaining after the "|" and place it in other cells. I just want it to 'go away'. Any other ideas?
    – Mr. B
    Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 21:17
  • =TRIM(INDEX(split(B5, "|"),1)) Commented Oct 3, 2016 at 6:07

You can just wrap it with trim

=Trim (split (B5,"|"))

I need a formula that will show the value of B5, but only the characters before the first "|".


The result is title


You can try =LEFT(B5,SEARCH("|",B5)-1).

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