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Questions tagged [facebook-friend-request]

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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"Can't send request" Facebook Problem

When I want to add people outside my country, 9/10 times I get the Pop-Up saying: "Can't send request It looks like you may not know this person. Send requests to people who you know personally ...
gustavo10's user avatar
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Do people who have rejected your friend requests still show up in "People you may know" on Facebook?

I don't remember whether I sent a particular person on Facebook a friend request. The option to add them as a friend is open which either means I did and they rejected it, or I didn't. I don't want to ...
user207721's user avatar
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Why am I suddenly receiving so many Facebook friend requests?

Although I have a Facebook account, I have not told any of my friends or family members yet. I have not made any friend requests yet. My privacy setting for Who can contact me? Who can send you ...
Dave's user avatar
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Friend request not in friends requests list

Last Thursday I talked with a lot of people, and 10 of them sent me a Facebook friend request (as my name is difficult to spell, they all actually made me type my name and press the "Add" ...
nic's user avatar
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Why do I get so many unsolicited Facebook friend requests?

At least once a day, I get a Facebook friend request from someone I don't know, most likely a fake account, from people all over the world. Does it happen to everyone, or am I somehow targeted? Is ...
nute's user avatar
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Facebook what do 54y mean on all friend request

I'm a creator on facebook. My question is why on all of my friend request they have 54y in the request? When the request could be from one or two days ago it says 54y.
Shantell Smith's user avatar
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Automated Facebook friend requests

My father has a Facebook account he barely uses, which I can't even find on google or Facebook. He changed his privacy settings a few days ago. Before everyone could send a friend request, now only ...
Féileacán's user avatar