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Questions tagged [wolfram-alpha]

Wolfram|Alpha is a "computational knowledge engine" developed by Wolfram Research, announced in March of 2009. It is unique in that in answers queries with direct computational results, rather than bringing up a page of documents and various webpages as most search engines do.

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1 answer

Checking big O expression in Wolfram Alpha

I'd like to check the expression x3=O(x2) when x → 0 in Wolfram Alpha. How can I do it?
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar
1 vote
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Plot data for a range of years in Wolfram Alpha

I am trying to compare a bunch of statistics in Wolfram Alpha, but haven't been able to figure out how to configure the plot/graph: For example, a search for population of Egypt vs Vietnam shows a ...
Ynhockey's user avatar
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What font does Wolfram Alpha use for its results?

What font does Wolfram Alpha use for its results? During my research on the internet I came across the following URL: Styles and Fonts in Output—Wolfram Language Documentation Three fonts are named ...
Norbert Willhelm's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Does Wolfram|Alpha support Knuth's up-arrow notation?

Inspired by Hjan's answer to Don't settle for a billion, I wanted to try calculating the value of using WolframAlpha. I've tried using 6↑↑100, 6↑100, and 6 arrow 100 to represent Knuth's up-arrow ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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finding the next iteration value in newton raphson method

Is there some easier way to tell wolfram to compute the next approximation using wolfram alpha. I am hoping there is a way to analytically compute this. The best I got was: http://www.wolframalpha....
deostroll's user avatar
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How can I have wolfram alpha perform substitutions?

I've used Wolfram Alpha for years, but I've never really understood how to type in complex formulas so that Wolfram Alpha can understand them. Specifically, I struggle with telling Wolfram Alpha what ...
Pro Q's user avatar
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Getting desired number of terms in the Taylor series in Wolfram Alpha

I want a desired number of terms in the Taylor series expansion of a function. How can I write the query for this? Presently whenever I write it, it stops after a few number of terms. For example, ...
deostroll's user avatar
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1 answer

How precise are Wolfram Alpha's mathematical calculations?

I recently started learning about floating point arithmetic and a how computers have limited precision when dealing with such calculations. To what degree of accuracy can Wolfram alpha output ...
Paul Warnick's user avatar
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How to substitute values to equation in Wolfram Alpha?

It's a fundamental use and WolframAlpha appeared entirely uncooperative. Given: E = (4.49*10^16 Joules), m = (1 kilogram), c = (speed of light in vacuum), and the equation: v = (sqrt(E) c sqrt(2 c^...
SF.'s user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Using variables with name longer than one letter in Wolfram Alpha

I am new to Wolfram Alpha. Doing my best, still I don't know how to use a variable with a length higher than one. Here I use a variable called ba while wolfram alpha interprets that as b*a instead of ...
alama's user avatar
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How do I get the upper or lower value of a time/date range, using Wolfram Alpha?

If I have a query, that returns a date or time range, how do get the upper or lower bound? For example, Ramadan 1436 returns: Thursday, June 18, 2015 to Friday, July 17, 2015 Another example is ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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Is there any way to get unlimited computation time on WolframAlpha?

WolframAlpha imposes a limit on the amount of computational time it allows for each computation. If you have WolframAlpha Pro, you can do computations with a higher limit on computational time but I ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Is WolframAlpha doing Math wrong?

I just tried to solve the following equation with WolframAlpha and got some very weird results: \sum_{i=1}^{x}x^2*i = 318338237039211050000 WolframAlpha tells me, one of the real solutions is x = ...
beesteak's user avatar
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How do I input a vector in Wolfram Alpha?

How can I write this expression into Wolfram Alpha? I have read the vector examples page on Wolfram Alpha's homepage, but I didn't know which method to use.
N.J Abel's user avatar
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3D graphic / plot / visualization

Could someone tell me how to get WolframAlpha to graph/plot/show graphic of this: 16<=x^2+y^2+z^2<=25 ; x,=0 This did not work: 3dplot[x^2+y^2+z^2]
Landscaper3345's user avatar
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RSA algorithm: How to enter the multiplicative inverse to WolframAlpha?

I'm trying to enter step 5: Compute d, the modular multiplicative inverse of e (mod φ(n)). How do I enter this in WolframAlpha?
user avatar
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Plot multiple functions in Wolfram Alpha

I tried to multiple plot in WolframAlpha using this command from the Forum: plot {1<=x<=2 1<y<3} and plot {x=4 1<y<3} and plot {1<=x<=2 y=4} and plot {x=4 y=4} and plot {1<=...
Karl Adler's user avatar
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Wolfram|alpha comparing country sizes

By inputting Portugal shape area, China shape area to Wolfram|alpha I can get two country shapes, but how can I get them on top of each other at the same scale? The output I'm looking for is what ...
Gareth's user avatar
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How do I plot multiple probability distributions in Wolfram Alpha?

I am trying to plot multiple Beta probability distributions in a single grid using Wolfram Alpha: plot {beta distribution, alpha=10, beta=7}, {beta distribution, alpha=1, beta=4} However, Wolfram ...
David Faux's user avatar
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Is it possible to associate equations with theorems?

Suppose I wanted to find out about the Pythagorean Theorem by searching via WolframAlpha. This is trivial -- we can search directly for Pythagorean Theorem and get a wealth of information. But ...
Anthony Neace's user avatar
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Searching for populations of a list of cities

I want to create a list of all world cities named "Alexandria", along with their populations. Can a search engine do that? What could the query look like?
Hosam Aly's user avatar
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Derivative of tan(f(x,y))

I was looking at the derivation of the derivative of tan(x^2 + 5x + y) on the Wolfram|Alpha. I don't understand the last step, which says the derivative of y is zero. Shouldn't it be y? Here is ...
C J's user avatar
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How to plot a scatter graph in Wolfram Alpha?

Is it possible to plot a simple scatter graph of points without any joining lines or lines of best fit? I have tried to use ListPlot but it just interprets that as plot which causes the points to be ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to get Wolfram Alpha to draw two different plots on the same graph?

I want to draw this line: ParametricPlot[{-2 (-5 + t), 5 + t}] And this circle, radius 25: ContourPlot[x^2 + y^2 == 25] On the same graph. No matter what combination I use, I can't get them ...
tenpn's user avatar
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Why does Wolfram Alpha timeout when graphing the following equation?

I tried to graph this equation I found on the Math SE on Wolfram Alpha. I got the following error: Wolfram|Alpha needs more time to respond to your query... When I clicked on Go on computing, I ...
Green Noob's user avatar
8 votes
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Notation to ask Wolfram Alpha the next number in a pattern

If I have this pattern: 1 goes to 40 1000 goes to 1360 10000 goes to 3480 How do I ask Wolfram Alpha what 20,000,000 goes to? This is my attempt:
Dan's user avatar
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Can a user control the scale of plots in Wolfram Alpha?

I'm trying to generate some simple plots of shapes on the coordinate plane using Wolfram Alpha. I've had success with plotting the shape, but sometimes the plot output doesn't look nice. For example,...
Excellll's user avatar
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Is there a way to plot 3D vector functions (also known as vector-valued functions) in Wolfram|Alpha?

Is there a way to plot 3D vector functions (also known as vector-valued functions) in Wolfram|Alpha? I know it's possible to plot regular vectors, by typing in vector {2,5,3} for example, but I would ...
nhinkle's user avatar
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5 votes
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Convert weight of food to volume in Wolfram Alpha

How can I use the volume of food in equations on Wolfram Alpha? For example, if I type: 60g flour, I see that at the bottom, it says: serving volume: 3.5 fl oz. How can I use this value in an ...
Senseful's user avatar
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2 answers

Show a number as binary in Wolfram Alpha

Is there any way to see a number as it's individual bits (i.e. base 2) in Wolfram Alpha? For example, given the number 255, it should show: 11111111 Similarly, the number 4 can be shown as: 100
Senseful's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Wolfram Alpha Competitors [closed]

Are there any sites that are similar to Wolfram Alpha, or is it currently unique?
Casebash's user avatar
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Where can I find the syntax list in Wolfram Alpha for Math and Science Subjects?

Google is able to do simple to medium mathematical calculations but Wolfram Alpha is like Mathematica online. What I would like to do is test the limits, such as what syntax is defined and what is not....
phwd's user avatar
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Find a plane for four points using WolframAlpha

How can you find the plane of four points by WolframAlpha? Example plane((0,0,0),(2,-1,-1),(4,-2,-2),(8,-4,-4)) should give me x + y + z = 0.
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
33 votes
20 answers

What is Wolfram Alpha good for? [closed]

I typically use Google for any data-gathering I need to do. Recently, I tried out Wolfram Alpha. This thing is pretty interesting. But I couldn't think of any use besides figuring out what the ...