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For questions about using Facebook's web application. Before asking a question, please search this site and also Facebook's help center at Tell us what you found and why it didn't meet your needs. This shows that you have tried to help yourself; it prevents us from repeating obvious answers; and most importantly, it helps you get a more specific and relevant answer!

6 votes

How does Facebook know where I live?

profile such as your job Comments or messages by you or someone else containing a city, region or even local business Maybe even information found via search engines Maybe websites you visited containing a facebook … like button (note that this is not officially provided by Facebook and is just brainstorming what might be used to determine your location) …
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11 votes

Can I change my Facebook login email?

This works because you can use any of your email address associated with Facebook for login. …
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6 votes

How does the Facebook friend finder operate?

Facebook has access to all friendship-data on their site, even if you lock down the privacy settings. As an addition many users share their contact-book or even e-mails with Facebook. … Although Facebook states it does not use it, they can track all users (and even non-users) across many websites via the "like"-button which is transcluded directly from Facebook. …
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1 vote

How can I know if one of my friends on Facebook is blocking me?

Oh, and since your child is minor: You can try mailing Facebook with a proof of your parentship and they probably will answer you with the information you need. … Facebook doesn't seem to answer these kind of questions. …
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4 votes

If CityVille is served by Facebook servers, why would Zynga need to rent Amazon facilities?

Only the URL you see is one of Facebook. The page contains a frame which is included from Amazon. … A Canvas Page is quite literally a blank canvas within Facebook on which to run your app. …
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9 votes

On Facebook, can I find out who else likes a page?

The list is only available to page admins. You can only see which of your friends liked the it.
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8 votes
4 answers

Disable commenting-ability on a photo-by-photo basis

I'd like to disable the commenting function for all of my friends for some of my photos but not for all of them or my status updates which is the only privacy control panel I can find. Is this possibl …
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5 votes

How can I fully and immediately unsubscribe from Facebook?

I don't think US privacy laws demand the direct deletion (and Facebook is always subject to US laws). Even more strict most-EU privacy laws give a timeframe of one or two weeks for deletion. …
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0 votes

Is there an RSS feed available for photos/albums posted by Facebook friends?

There is Photo2RSS but its reported that it doesn't work always (haven't tried it though).
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