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Anther person is getting my fb messages!

My phone was stolen over Labor Day. I have two small business's so logged onto my fb on a relatives phone to keep up with messages. She is still getting my fb messages on her phone and they cannot ...
Laura Pichler's user avatar
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Can't see all the photos in messenger shared media

I have a messenger chat of about 1 year and there's a lot of shared media. I am able to see all the photos in chat(even the 1 year old ones) but when checking the shared media in messenger, I can't ...
Eagle's user avatar
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How to delete old Facebook chats from both end?

I know Facebook doesn't allow users to delete chats from both side after 10 minutes. But is there any way or workaround to delete or vanish my sent messages from my friends' side?
Mohammad Rifat's user avatar
5 votes
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Why is Facebook telling people my last login time when I turned off chat for them?

First of all, I have already seen this question, and my question is not a duplicate of that one. In that question, the OP said he turned off his Facebook chat and his friends still see a green dot ...
pacoverflow's user avatar
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How does Facebook figure out my top friends

The friends in my chat window on Facebook are pretty much all people I interact with most on Facebook. There is one person however that I have removed from my newsfeed and though I used Facebook to ...
abfab's user avatar
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Revert changes done to Facebook chat

I'm new to Facebook (yes, that is still possible!). Yesterday, when I registered, Facebook chat in my account was tiny (about 1/5 of screen height) and showed only true on-line Friends. Today, ...
trejder's user avatar
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how to know when chat coversations have been deleted

How to see full conversations on chat. And how to tell if chats have been deleted? I looked on Facebook saw an alert. But maybe the chat was deleted?
cindy tv's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to block, filter, or minimize Facebook chat "stickers"?

Facebook has recently made great strides in their effort to be the most evil web app of all time, by adding "stickers" to chat. The most annoying thing about these "stickers", is that they are so ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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Facebook shows me as online even if I turned off chat. How can I be offline in Facebook?

I never use Facebook Chat. It's always turned off. But I realized that it shows me as online (green dot) to my friends even if it's turned off. Is there any way to be offline in Facebook? I don't ...
Someone's user avatar
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Facebook chat contacts mixed up

Earlier this week, my chat contacts on Facebook's sidebar got mixed up. The upper part, where my most frequently contacted friends are usually located, was replaced by the bottom part, that is, "more ...
Xeon06's user avatar
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Person A is online and sends a message to person B; person B is offline but opens the message, is "seen" still displayed to person A?

Person A sends a message via chat or just normal private messaging on to person B.. Person B opens the message in there private message area, but is offline on facebook chat.. Questions Does person ...
Sam's user avatar
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Chat with Facebook friends without having Facebook account

I had a Facebook account, and deleted it, since I found Facebook overwhelming. Now, I would just like to chat (using web app or computer program) with some of my Facebook friends, so I wonder if this ...
Open the way's user avatar
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How to pop out the new Facebook chat? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Facebook chat only page Facebook has rolled out a new chat UI. I always used to use the option 'pop out chat' that appeared in the menu at the top of the chat interface, ...
danixd's user avatar
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Smiley? Where do they come from?

How does the chat application like that found in Facebook(for example), uses smiley's? That is my question is how does these symbols(smiley's) come from? Do they have any ASCII characters, because ...
Ant's's user avatar
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How to ignore a friend on Facebook?

I want to "delete" some friends from Facebook without them noticing. Is that possible? Is possible at least to hide them from Facebook chat?
Jader Dias's user avatar
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How can I view Facebook chat history?

I wonder if Facebook stores its chat history anywhere or if there is a way to enable chat history. Do you know a way to get the chat history? I have tried with: javascript:buddyList.itemOnClick(_ID);...
Zerotoinfinity's user avatar
5 votes
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Facebook chat through instant messaging client?

Does Facebook chat allow access through an IM client like Google Talk does? Specifically, is there a way I can access it from Pidgin/Finch?
C. Ross's user avatar
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19 votes
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How do I stop someone from seeing me on Facebook Chat?

I like Facebook Chat, but I want to hide from specific people. Is there an easy way to do this?
jonnii's user avatar
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