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Questions tagged [facebook-comments]

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How to add Facebook comment evaluation feature

I saw on some FB group an extra feature on comment, up/down arrow icon(in addition to classic 'like'/'j'aime' icon) that open a way to say if the comment is relevant or not for the group. I would like ...
boly38's user avatar
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How can I disable comment suggestions on my Facebook Page's live stream?

A page I manage publishes a recurrent live stream through the Facebook API every week. Lately I started noticing hundreds of comments from viewers containing only emojis. I think these are mainly the ...
python_noob's user avatar
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How to view all Facebook comments I have made on news websites, blogs, etc.?

I would like to view all Facebook comments I have made on news websites, blogs, etc., which use the Facebook Comments Plugin. I had tried Activity Log → Filter → Comments, and I can only see a list of ...
Ian Y.'s user avatar
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Facebook comments limit in a given amount of time

Does anyone know what is the limit like you can only post 300 comments in an hour or 200 or 500? Does anyone know the exact number and the amount of time?
Pierre Boules's user avatar
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Does the person whose Facebook comment is hidden see that it is hidden?

Many times, I have used "Hide comment" when a friend puts an inappropriate comment on one of my posts. Ideally, I and the person commenting are the only people who can see that comment. If the person ...
Lew Amack's user avatar
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How can I enable photo comments on my Facebook page?

It shows: Photo comments on this page are not allowed. I want to allow visitors to comment on a post with photos (to upload a photo on the comment section) on my Facebook page. How can I do it? ...
raf's user avatar
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Do personal likes and comments on feed posts reflect for restricted connections?

If I have somebody on a restricted list on Facebook, can they still see my personal likes and comments on my feed?
red's user avatar
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Photo Comments on Business Page

How do I allow photo comments to posts I make on my business page? People can reply normally, but there is no option for them to comment with pictures.
Tiffany Deakin's user avatar
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Facebook Cover Picture Comment Disabling

How do I disable comment on my Facebook cover picture
user180413's user avatar
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When I click on "24 comments" under a post, it no longer expands the comment section

It's been a week that my Facebook news feed acts weirdly. It stopped expanding the comment section under posts. Before, I would click on, for example, "24 comments" under a post and the comments ...
Zachary Labrosse Rémillard's user avatar
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How to see deleted comments in a Facebook group

Is there a way for a Facebook group moderator/admin to see deleted comments or deleted posts?
GIS_DBA's user avatar
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Can I find particular someone's all reply or comment on any photo/video/posts?

Just like my title, I have tried someway to do this. All I can find is like or Graph API Explorer. But still can't find some particular user's comment on all Facebook posts. ...
LEe Steve's user avatar
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Is there any way to be notified (email or even SMS) of new comments in a Facebook comment plugin?

I'd like to subscribe to the updates of the Facebook Comment Plugin: Now I have to go to the website to check the comments from time to time. ...
AGamePlayer's user avatar
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How can I find comments I made on a friend's post? [duplicate]

A friend of mine posts on Facebook multiple times a day every day. I made a comment and we had a conversation on one post a few months ago. I almost never comment or interact with this person. How do ...
leigero's user avatar
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Deleting other people's comments on Facebook

On Facebook it appears other people can delete your comments. When can this happen, in the context of writing on someone's timeline (so not including scenarios where a group admin deletes a comment)? ...
northerner's user avatar
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I tried to post a long comment to a question on Facebook; Can I retrieve the answer?

I posted a long answer on Facebook to a friend's question. I got an error message of a big robotic smiling face. Is there any way I can retrieve the answer? I went into a lot of detail and don't want ...
Larry Bagwell's user avatar
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Unhide comment on my post will not work

I have made posts where some of my friend's comments are hidden, and I don't know why they've been hidden. When I go to my post and "Unhide" the hidden comment, the action does not stick. When I go ...
Cheryl's user avatar
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Retrieve my comments on friend's Facebook posts

I remember I commented on a friend's post some years back, but I cannot find the post. Also, in our friendship page I have no access to posts where we both interacted. Given a friend, how can I ...
AkiRoss's user avatar
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How can see a list of all public comments made on Facebook by a certain account?

How can see a list of all public comments made on Facebook by a certain account? I've been searching online for a summary of all (at a minimum, public, preferably all) comments made by a specific ...
qtrhgnvkyhdmehfv's user avatar
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How to set Facebook post to read only?

Is there a way on Facebook to block all commenting on a post, while still allow it to be read? I have a post, whose active commenting has gotten out of control. The post and the initial comments are ...
RBarryYoung's user avatar
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Does the admin of a public Facebook page know who hides another person's comment?

When a person does not like another person's comment on a public Facebook page, I suppose the best thing he/she can do is to hide that comment. But when he/she presses the hide link, will this ...
GreenPenguin's user avatar
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How to insert a blank Facebook comment?

This seems to be a "completely" blank Facebook comment. Facebook does not accept comments consisting solely of newlines or spaces, but accepts a soft hyphen comment. However, unlike a soft hyphen ...
sishke's user avatar
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Is there any way to add a blank line in the beginning of a Facebook comment?

Sometimes I'd like to have empty lines at the beginning of my comments on Facebook. However Facebook strips all the attempts I've made so far. Shift + Enter Alt + 32, then Enter Alt + 255, then ...
GollyJer's user avatar
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Reply to a Facebook page comment as yourself from mobile [closed]

Trying to like and comment a post from another page admin as myself on Facebook Mobile (Android). It does not appear to be possible from what I can tell. Am I missing something?
Zane's user avatar
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Don't show comments from someone

There is someone who is not my Facebook friend and I would like to be able to keep from seeing their comments. Is this possible?
user1543042's user avatar
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Reply to particular comments on Facebook

A post was made by popular non-profit organization. Many comments were made on it. Some how replies to certain comments were made. When and how does Facebook allow for replies to particular comments, ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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Stop Facebook Friends of Friends from seeing Comments

When I comment on a friend's photo, their friends can see the comment and like it and they get notified that I have commented although I am not friends with them. How do I stop this from happening, so ...
perezz's user avatar
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Untag myself from a Facebook comment

Some friend (or sometimes a spam application) has tagged me (and possibly others) within a comment on a random post on another friend's timeline. Problem: It is annoying to be associated with that ...
nic's user avatar
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