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Questions tagged [spell-check]

This tag should be used to differentiate questions about facilities for checking possible misspellings and sometimes mistakes in grammar from other questions on this site. Use when the topic is the content of the dictionaries used or the usability of the feature.

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1 answer

How to prevent the spellcheck website from saving the text?

A year ago, I copied a small text in to count the number of words. Recently, I wanted to use this site again, and I noticed that my previous text was still there. Is there a ...
Karlo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to get Gmail (Google Mail) to automatically spellcheck emails being written?

Gmail seems to, by default, turn off automatic spell-checking when one is composing an email. Here is an animated GIF showing the issue in both the Firefox and Chrome web browsers: Is there a way to ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

High quality spell checker which works **online**

Grammarly is a great spell checker. Unfortunately the have no simple way to check text online (without chrome extension) Is there a high quality spell checker which works online? I would even pay ...
guettli's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a keyboard shortcut to have Google correct one misspelled word?

When I look at the keyboard shortcuts for Google Docs, there are shortcuts listed to move forward and backwards between misspelt words, which work. Is there a keyboard shortcut to fix a misspelt word?...
Pro Q's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Why doesn't Grammarly work in Google Docs?

Grammarly doesn't work with Google Docs. If you have the Grammarly extension on your browser, there is a little x over the icon. Is this due to some disagreement between the companies, or some ...
StarSweeper's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Autocorrect misspelled word to first suggestion in Google Documents

In Google Documents, how can I have misspelled words auto-corrected to the first suggestion? For instance let's suppose the user writes helo world in Google Documents. Then without any action from ...
Sadegh's user avatar
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Completely disable spell checker

I realize that, in the browser version of Google Documents, you can disable (or at least hide) the spell checker in the View options. However, the mobile application has no View option. Where can I ...
yo''s user avatar
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1 answer

Can I get a proper wordlist for Google Doc's spellcheck?

I'm trying to use Google Docs for academic writing, and it marks words like "Ilion", "iconophobia" or "wrothful" as incorrect. Making sure I didn't misspell any of these and manually adding each one ...
technillogue's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How do I remove a misspelling I accidentally added to spell checker in Google Documents?

I misspelled a word and accidentally added it to the spell checker dictionary in Google Documents. How can I remove it? When I google the problem I see many results and questions from 2010 and 2011, ...
nicholaides's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Show spelling suggestions when spell checker says word is wrong

I am writing a document in Google Drive (I still call it Google Docs) using the editor. I have Google Chrome's spell checker disabled. provides one and I like it that way. ...
ixe013's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Where is the spell check on

Since is now, can anyone please tell me where the spell check is?
user36689's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to disable permanently Gmail spell checker

By default when I compose an e-mail in Gmail, the spell checker is active. To disable it, I need to activate context menu (right click) and select "Check Spelling" option to toggle it off. ...
JuanZe's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Spell checker for Google Docs for languages other than English

Recently I became a huge fan of Google Docs despite all the deficiencies. But there's one thing that really repels me from writing anything in language other than English, namely poor spell checker. ...
matcheek's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to get Google search to stop trying to fix my spelling?

For example, I'm searching for pages that contain the word "quiet". is happily returning hits with "quite" (and even showing them in bold!), even though that word obviously has nothing to ...
Ken's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Where does the spell checking function comes from?

I am using Firefox. Whenever I type my questions on Stack Exchange sites, there will be automatic spell checking. Does this function comes from Firefox, or from Stack Exchange sites, or somewhere ...
Tim's user avatar
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