I currently have a list of several recurrent events, with dates of recurrence on the same row. I hope to create a .csv file for importing into calendars, so would like to have each recurrent date on a separate row in a spreadsheet.
Not entirely sure how to phrase this, so I set up a sample spreadsheet with what I aim to do (including how far I have gotten with concatenate/transpose/etc).
In short, I have data such as (each character a separate cell in a spreadsheet):
A X 1 2 3
B Y 2 4
C Z 1 5
And I hope to create individual rows for each 'event' (ABC) and 'date' (12345) combination (hopefully keeping the info, XYZ, intact if possible... but can achieve this with lookups if needed later):
A X 1
A X 2
A X 3
B Y 2
B Y 4
Any help is greatly appreciated! Including links to anywhere I may have missed online relating to this.